ARMUS by Health Catalyst
Maximizing the Value of Clinical Registry Participation for Healthcare Institutions Worldwide.
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Clinical Registry Solutions
ARMUS by Health Catalystâ„¢ provides Clinical Registry solutions, both technology and services, to hundreds of institutions worldwide, including healthcare systems, quality collaboratives, and medical societies.
Driven by our passion to help our clients enhance data quality, outcomes and efficiency improvements, ARMUS has developed solutions that combine cloud-based technology with deep clinical expertise to generate cost-efficient, near-real time, high-value outcome measures. This visualization of data provides insights to drive clinical outcomes improvements.
ARMUS for Hospitals
The ARMUS by Health Catalystâ„¢ for Hospitals suite offers both clinical registry technology and services to increase the value of clinical registry participation.
We support clinical registries from collection to submission:
- Rapid registry development platform supports quick delivery of new and updated registries.
- Data abstraction tools and services reduce time and labor with streamlined data entry and interoperability across registries through our product platform, with the option to include our data abstraction services.
- Automated data collection through interface applications that support integration with external sources (such as EMRs).
- Data quality management provides tools to ensure data accuracy, which is critical for reliable and actionable reporting.
- Comprehensive reporting drives outcomes.
- Many registries and measures are supported by our clinical specialists in line with society requirements.
Why Choose ARMUS for Hospitals
Simplify the Process
- Rapid registry development of new and updated registries.
- Registries and measures are supported in line with society requirements.
Save Time & Resources
- Streamlined data entry and interoperability across registries.
- Automated data collection through integration with external sources.
Maximize Participation Value
- Comprehensive reporting that drives outcomes improvements.
- Data quality management improves data quality.
ARMUS for Societies & Quality Collaboratives
The ARMUS by Health Catalystâ„¢ for Societies suite supports data collection, MIPS submission, and reporting services to offer to your members. ARMUS is the technology partner for clinical societies and quality collaboratives, providing clinical registry technology and expert collaboration to build your registries and measures.
We support clinical registries from collection to submission:
- Rapid registry development platform supports quick delivery of new and updated registries and measures.
- Data abstraction tools and services reduce time and labor with streamlined data entry and interoperability across registries.
- Optimized data acquisition through interface applications supports integration with external sources (such as EMRs).
- Data quality management provides accurate and actional data to support key stakeholders.
- Comprehensive reporting drives outcomes, and society MIPS tools support review and submission of quality measures to CMS.
Why Choose ARMUS for Societies & Quality Collaboratives
Simplify the Process
- Reduced data burden with streamlined data acquisition to the registry.
- Rapidly develop, evolve, and host custom registries with quick and consistent delivery of report measures.
Save Time & Resources
- Provide members with real-time, longitudinal, side-by-side reporting across participants.
- Leverage expert-informed, high-value analytic insights to help identify and drive outcomes.
Maximize Participation Value
- Enable easy participation through direct or third-party vendor submission.
- Enable members to access their MIPS performance, submit quality measures to CMS, and pull registry data.
Products and Services
Data Management Services
- ARMUS Data Abstraction – Data abstraction and entry provided by Health Catalyst teams.
- Clinical Outcomes Management Services – Meaningful insights into collected registry data to improve quality and outcomes.
ARMUS Hybrid Outcomes
Turn your registries data into the most timely, responsive, high-quality asset to support your key stakeholders—while reducing your data abstraction costs and turnaround time by 15% or more.
- Enables Data Collection and Management – Through registry data entry, interoperability, data quality management, interfaces, and data submission.
- Patient Centric – All episodes of care (admissions or operations) for any and all registries are linked to a single patient record.
ARMUS Hybrid Analytics
Quickly identify areas of excellence and opportunities for improvement while realizing return on investment for registry participation.
- Provides Real-Time, Self-Service Longitudinal Reporting – Giving users insights into their data to drive outcomes improvements.
- Includes Various Metric Reporting Visualizations – Including metric libraries, visual dashboards, executive summary, high-profile society metrics, patient details reports, benchmark reports, and side-by-side comparison reporting across hospital participants and physicians.
Registry Development and Hosting Solutions
Develop custom data registry solutions, reports, and dashboards at lightning speed. The cloud-based solution transforms clinical registries into a modern, patient-centric quality and research platform.
Features include:
- Clinical registry data version support.
- Data mapping across clinical registries.
- Data validation based on registry specific rules.
- Interoperability with external sources such as EMR’s and Hemo Systems.
- Cloud-based solution provides secure access from any location and reflects updates in real-time.
- Collaboration with clinical specialists during custom registry development.
- Simplified registry management.